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March 18, 2020


Kalymnos with an area of 109 km2 is the home of the best known sponge divers in Greece. In years past, they had a large fleet of boats which left the island every year after Easter and went to the shore of N. Africa for several months. Vathís is a deep fjord on the East side of the island. It is possible to go stern-to the short mole (on the E side, the W side is too shallow), although there is not much to tie your lines on to. The bottom is sand and weed and not always good holding.
Make sure your anchor has penetrated the weed and it is not caught at the roots giving you a false sense of security. The shelter from the meltemi is excellent but there can be very strong gusts down the steep hills. The place is very attractive.

Category: Dodecanese