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March 21, 2020


Mourtos is a small village and fishing harbour located on the mainland of Greece opposite the southern part of Corfu, six miles South of Igoumenitsa and three miles South of Plataria. In recent years it has been rather overtaken by tourism and the small harbor is now used as much by yachts as fishing boats, while the quay is a mass of tourist restaurants and bars. In evenings in the season – especially at weekends – the quay is packed with charter and cruising yachts alike and it can be difficult to find a place.

The harbor also contains a small marina, half of which is taken up by local boats and boats on gardiennage, but the other half can be used by visiting yachts. The marina is partly equipped with laid moorings, although some yachts will need to use their anchors. Nearby are several anchorages, including around the Sivota or Syvota islands, which offer good shelter in the prevailing winds.


Category: Ionian Sea