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March 18, 2020


Patmos, in addition to being a delightful island with many coves, is one of the most important places of the Christian religion. In the period between 81 and 96 AD St. John wrote the Apocalypse (Revelation) in a grotto not far from Skala, the harbor, now inside the Monastery of the Apocalypse half way up the hill from the harbor. The people of Patmos are very religious and it seems that at least half of the male population goes under the first name of Theologos which means “the theologian.” The harbor, Skala, is an attractive and bustling with activity town. Many cruise ships visit it every day and disgorge hundreds of tourists, who are herded into buses for the Monastery. Most of these cruise ships do not stay very long and at night the town is more manageable. The bathing area adjacent to the old commercial harbor is surprisingly clean. The old town of Patmos is built around the Monastery on top of the hill and has many old houses. All together it is a very nice place to visit although in the summer months it is liable to be very hot.

Category: Dodecanese