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March 21, 2020


The two islands Paxos and Anti-Paxos are together known as Paxoi, being the plural of Paxos. They are situated in the Greek Ionian Sea seven miles South of Corfu and 35 miles NNW of Lefkas. The islands have become very fashionable with tourists, especially Italians, and are popular with charter fleets. Consequently they are very crowded during the months of July and August. Outside these times, they and their numerous attractive anchorages are a delight to visit. Visiting yachts have the option of berthing in the main harbor of Port Gaios on Paxos or in the anchorages of Lakka, Mongonisi and Longos on the same island. The harbour of Gaios is much frequented in summer by tripper boats, and certain sections of the quay are reserved for their use between 10.00 and 17.00. Outside these hours, yachts can anchor moor to the quays anywhere there is space. Antipaxos also has several beautiful anchorages off sandy beaches, but none are really suitable for an overnight stop except in very settled weather.


Category: Ionian Sea