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March 21, 2020


The South side of Skyropoula is nice place for a temporary anchorage. There is very good spearfishing. Skantzoura is a small uninhabited island. The only structure on it is an old hermitage, now abandoned. It is a very pleasant if isolated place. The island is within the Marine Park which was established a few years ago to protect marine life and particularly the highly endangered Mediterranean seal. All fishing is strictly forbidden.

Yachts can stay for only one night. The organization for the preservation of the Mediterranean Seal, Monachus Monachus or as it is locally known, MOm, patrols the Marine Park and enforces its regulations. There are three anchorages at Skantzoura bay, on the West side of the island that afford some protection from the meltemi. All are exposed to the West. The bottom is sand and weed and provides reasonable holding. For an overnight, it is best to get near the shore and take a shore line to a rock, in addition to the anchor.

Category: Skiathos, Volos